Landsmøtekurs: The Art of Diagnosis. A master class in how to diagnose with Chinese medicine med Nigel Ching
The reason this workshop is called a “master class”, is not because I am master, I wish I was, but because a Master Class is a class where people who have a skill or a competence can receive further instruction or training to improve their technique. In this workshop I will try to share some of my knowledge and experience in the art of diagnosing with Chinese medicine.
It is unfortunately my experience, as a teacher and supervisor, that many practitioners can have a tendency to neglect this vital part of the process in the treatment of a patient. They do not utilise all the relevant information that can be gleaned from a patient. It is not that they don`t diagnose their patients, but that their acupuncture treatment is often either based solely on a Western medical diagnosis or a Chinese medical diagnosis that does not contain enough information or even contains erroneous information.
When a treatment doesn`t seem to working, this can often be due to either mistakes made in the diagnostic approach i.e. in the way that the practitioner gathers and utilises diagnostic information or in incorrect treatment based on this information. Some practitioners can be so focussed on which points treat which diseases, that they fail to see the whole picture and what is the energetic root of the problem. Successful diagnosis not only determines which acupuncture points and which needle techniques should be used, it also enables the practitioner to be able to give each individual patient relevant dietary and lifestyle advice.
In this workshop we will amongst other things look at:
• how to organise and structure the diagnostic process
• how to utilise the 4 pillars of diagnosis in CM
• how to avoid pitfalls in the diagnostic process
• how to gather the information in a logical way
• how to utilise the information gathered
• diagnostic short cuts and tips
• how to see the wood for the trees – the problem of too many signs and symptoms, especially when these signs and symptoms are conflicting
• advantages and disadvantages of a western diagnosis and in what ways we can use it
• how to deconstruct western diagnoses and rebuild them into a Chinese medical diagnosis
Her kan du lese mer om Nigel Ching:
Kurset vil bli holdt på engelsk.
Tid: 7. mars 2014, kl 16.30-21.00
Kursavgift: Medlemmer kr 1000. Studentmedlemmer halv pris.
EVUs ansvarlige: Mette Trolie
Påmeldingsfrist: 6. mars 2014
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