Pulskurs med Frances Turner i Stavanger 19. og 20. oktober 2013
Endelig har vi klart å få på plass pulskurs! Og ikke bare et kurs, men hele 4 kurs på 4 forskjellige steder i Norge slik at vi får litt mer aktivitet i distriktene. Vi regner med at det vil bli stor pågang, så her er det førstemann til mølla.
De fleste av oss synes puls er vanskelig og kunne godt tenke oss mer kunnskap om dette. Å ta pulsen er et viktig verktøy i TKM og det gir en mulighet til å få kontakt med det levende pulserende hjerte til våre pasienter. Pulsen kan gi mye av den informasjonen vi trenger for å finne riktig diagnose og behandling.
Her lar vi kursforelser Frances Turner beskrive pulskurset:
«In the 3 Step System workshops, students are encouraged to firstly feel and clearly verbalise their own subjective pulses, to bring into working consciousness the enormously valuable information this can transmit. For example, a practitioner may put their hand on the pulse and feel a physical or emotional feeling, or even may see an image. Such things can be fleeting, and we often miss or dismiss them. Secondly, students are encouraged to name the pulse accurately and objectively according to the parameters laid out by the 28 Pulses of Chinese medicine, using the 3 Step System of Chinese Pulse Reading. Many aspects of pulse reading are not subjective, and these workshops have proved time and again that if the naming system is clearly understood by everyone, a group of people will feel the same thing on the same pulse. This gives us a common language and enables us to communicate with each other about the pulse in a way that can help us develop and grow our practice. Finally, the student is facilitated to integrate these two spheres of information into a coherent diagnosis and treatment, checking their pulse information against observation of the patients and tongue diagnosis. Many students come to the rewarding realisation that silent diagnosis is not only possible, it is obvious. We already know.
Step 1 concentrates on accuracy in feeling and naming the pulses, and broadens this into interpretation of the pulse according to Chinese medicine diagnosis. The pulse names and interpretations are based on the Nei Jing, Mai Jing and Bin Hu Mai Xue, although some discussion of Nan Jing and Shang Han Lun pulses can also arise. The 3 Step System gives students a starting point in clarifying and identifying specific pulses, from which variations in interpretation and naming can easily be identified.
Both days intersperse lecture with hands‐on practical sessions, with emphasis on sensitivity in feeling the pulse, and accuracy as to where to place the fingers. Qi gong is used to enhance this sensitivity, and numbers are limited for maximum feedback from tutors.
Step 2 (dag 3 og 4) vil bli arrangert i 2014.
Step 2 concentrates on further developing the ability to feel, name and interpret the pulses, and encourages students to use this ability in making a diagnosis directly from the pulse. Of course, sometimes the pulse does not seem to give the full picture, and in that case students are encouraged to specifically identify the areas where more information is needed. Thus pulse diagnosis is integrated with general observation of the patient, and then cross checked with tongue diagnosis, and the students, often much to their surprise, will generally be able to come to a silent diagnosis without questioning. This is a predominantly practical, hands‐ on workshop with emphasis on diagnosis, but also includes revision of the 3 Step System as required.»
Les mer om Frances Turner her
Tid: 09.00-16.00 begge dager
Kursansvarlig: Cathrine Nodberg
Kursavgift: Medlemmer kr 3.500,- lunsj er ikke inkl i prisen. Studentmedlemmer halv pris. Fee: Members of ETCMA kr 5.250,-.
Påmeldingsfrist: 8. august 2013
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