Underlivsplager hos kvinner og menn (Pelvic disorders)
Til: søndag 04-10-2009 kl:16:00
Treatment of these disorders will encompass differential diagnosis in Chinese medicine and treatment modalities including acupuncture, moxa, tui-na, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle modification.
As one of the early pioneers of Oriental Medicine in the United States, Alex Tiberi studied Acupuncture at the Oriental Medical Institute in Boulder, Colorado then the Institute for Acupuncture Studies in Cambridge, and finally Northeastern School of Acupuncture in Watertown, Massachusetts. He apprenticed with Dr. Suh, a Master Korean Acupuncturist in Belmont, Massachusetts. Alex is an accomplished teacher and international lecturer of a wide variety of Acupuncture styles including Korean Constitutional, Japanese Energetics, and Five Elements, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Alex spends many months per year traveling around the world giving Seminars and Lectures on Chinese Medicine in addition to teaching several classes at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) in San Diego. Alex is the Chair of the Department of Oriental Medicine and Vice-President of the Board at PCOM. Alex has over 20 years of experience as an Acupuncturist.
Alex Tiberi practices and encourages his Students and fellow Practitioners at Pacific Center of Health to practice Oriental medicine as an Art where, culture, style, expertise and individual expression come through in treatment. According to Alex, health is freedom, and he is utterly committed to creating liberating wellness for all people.
Sted: NB! Kurset er flyttet til:
Encefalon, Høyskole i Grunnmedisin, Sognsv 75b Ullevål stadion, 0806 Oslo
Både T-bane og buss har holdeplasser i umiddelbar nærhet. Parkeringsmuligheter finnes i nærområdet.
Vi gjør oppmerksom på at det ikke er kantine på Encefalon. Lørdag kan man handle mat i butikk eller baker. Søndag bør man ta med lunsj selv. Det finnes også Dolly Dimples (åpningstid lørd 11.00 – 22.00, sønd 13.00 – 22.00) og Burger King (åpningstid lørd 11.00 – 21.00, søn 11.00 – 22.00) på området.
Tid: 9.00 – 16.00 begge dager
Kursavgift: Medlemmer kr 2.500,-. Lærere: kr 1.250,-. Studenter: kr 1.750,-. Kurset er kun for NAFOs medlemmer.
EVUs ansvarlige: Kristin Evjen
Påmeldingsfrist: 15. august 2009
Påmelding skjer ved å sende en mail til: merete@akupunktur.no. Skriv tittel på kurset, ditt navn og adresse og om du er lærer eller student.