About Norwegian Acupuncture Association

Norwegian Acupuncture Association has by 27.08.20 487 members. Norwegian Acupuncture Association was founded in 2005 after a merger between NFKA (founded in 1978) and NAHO (founded in 1993). The Association is by far the most numerious organisation for acupuncturists in Norway.

The members elect board members and also the president of the board.

Basic training required for membership is 240 study points (4 years full time study) – of which 90 study points in western medicine. Students from Norwegian College of Acupuncture are considered qualified for membership in the association. In 2008 Norwegian College of Acupuncture fullfilled the criterias for a bachelor´s degree in acupuncture.

Become a member? Download applicationform in English here: Applicationform membership

Legal aspects
In 2004 Norway got a new Act relating to the alternative treatment of disease, illness, etc. The act is very liberal, with few requirements. Therefore we can say that Norwegian acupuncturists are mostly self regulated through membership in the association. Though when it comes to marketing of alternative medicine, there are strong restrictions.
Act relating to the alternative treatment of disease
Regulations regarding the marketing of alternative treatment of diseases
Regulations regarding a voluntary registration scheme for practitioners of alternative treatment.

Acupuncture treatment is not funded in any way, so patients have to pay for the treatment themselves.

International affairs
Norwegian Acupuncture Association has been a member of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) since 1987 and a member of European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA) since 2007.

Chinese herbal medicine
There is no education in Chinese Herbal Medicine in Norway. Nevertheless, students at the two earlier mentioned colleges, get a 50 hours introduction to the area. In Norwegian Acupuncture Association we only have about 20 practitioners with a education in Chinese Herbal Medicine. Only a handful of these are active practitioners.